Surgical Services

From the operating room to recovery, the well-being of your pet is our priority.

At Hôpital Vétérinaire St-Lambert, we offer surgical services 5 days a week. Our qualified team can perform general surgery here on-site. Should your pet require the services of a specialist surgeon, we can direct you to the best facility for your pet.

What types of surgery are performed at Hôpital Vétérinaire St-Lambert?

The types of surgery offered by our vets include spaying and neutering, repairing wounds, removing cutaneous masses (warts, tumours), pyometra surgery and cystotomy as well as a range of urgent procedures.

What happens when I bring my pet in for surgery?

You will meet our vet team before and after the operation. Depending on the procedure, your pet will receive pain medication and antibiotics before and during the surgery. While under anesthesia, your pet will be constantly monitored by machine (heart rate, EKG, oxygen, blood pressure). Our patients are placed in an incubator to wake up from the anesthetic, supervised by our medical team. Pain medication to be given at home after the surgery is included free of charge. Removal of stitches, as applicable, is also included. We also offer post-surgery follow-up, if needed, at no cost.

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